Ear wax is naturally produced by tiny glands in the ear canal and forms a thin film as part of the ear's natural cleaning system.
Ear wax is essential for keeping our ears healthy and clean, as well as protecting them from infection.
Some people produce more earwax than their ears require, resulting in a hardened wax buildup that can block the ear canal.
Attempting to remove it with a cotton swab on your own may push the hardened wax deeper into the ear canal.
Usage Instructions
Squeeze one to 2 drops into the affected ear while lying on the opposite side. To open your ear canal, gently pull your outer ear up and back.
Then, gently massage your ear to incorporate the olive oil into the hardened wax for a few minutes. This can be repeated 3-4 times a day for 3 to 5 consecutive days.
Care Olive Oil Ear Drops contain: Extra virgin olive oil 100% v/v
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